SCU’s two-part intelligence analysis found a historical relationship between UAP reports and US atomic warfare sites in the post-World War II period of 1945-1975, as well as indications supporting the scenario of an intelligent and focused survey of the American atomic warfare complex and its associated warfighting capability.
Washington, DC, United States, August 22, 2023 – Today, the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU) announced the conclusion of a two-part study of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) activity and post-World War II US atomic warfare assets with the publication of UAP Indications Analysis 1945-1975, United States Atomic Warfare Complex.
One unsettled question about UAP, which has remained the same for some eight decades, is whether the activities described in UAP reports demonstrate intelligence and intention. Recently, an SCU team finished the second of two studies exploring these questions. The peer-reviewed historical studies focused on officially reported incidents from 1945-1975, relying on government data, which provided extensive material related to UAP and the nation’s strategic atomic warfare complex.
SCU’s first study, UAP Pattern Recognition Study: 1945-1975 US Military Atomic Warfare Complex, revealed bursts of reports of anomalous UAP activity at sites where new capabilities were being developed and deployed, a pattern researchers have not considered in previous government or university studies of UAP reports. Specifically, these temporary bursts of reported UAP activity between 1945-1975 occurred at US atomic warfare facilities, missile and rocket development sites, and test facilities; and during the initial deployment of ICBMs and MIRV warheads. In contrast, there were no similar patterns of elevated UAP report activity at conventional military bases without atomic weapons in this period.
The now-concluded second study, UAP Indications Analysis 1945-1975, United States Atomic Warfare Complex, released today, examines scenarios related to intention and motive indicated by specific details of reported UAP activity. This second study noted that the early pattern of reported activity at weapons-grade radioactive materials plants and initial atomic weapons stockpile locations was not repeated over time. Neither was a pattern of reports of UAP approach and engagement with military aircraft. In contrast, anomalous patterns of activity were reported as weapons delivery systems were introduced, including the construction of international ballistic missile complexes and the arming of ballistic missiles with multiple atomic reentry warheads.
Of the four scenarios examined in the second study, the team’s analysis of patterns and activities concluded that the most likely intention related to the UAP incidents described during the study period was an intelligent and focused survey of the American atomic warfare complex and its associated warfighting capability.
The methodology used in this indications analysis was adapted from the tools and practices used within the national intelligence community for threat and warnings studies. The analysis provides an approach to evaluating reports of activities that are not reproducible nor predictably repeatable.
Read the study online here:
SCU promotes and encourages the rigorous scientific examination of UAP, commonly known as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). SCU comprises scientists, engineers, members of the high-tech and defense industries, former military, and other professionals, utilizing scientific principles, methodologies, and practices to advance the study of UAP observed and reported around the globe.
The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Contributions to SCU are tax-deductible.