The Galileo Project’s publication of five Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP)-specific papers makes significant progress in defining a grounded scientific approach for the study of UAP and represent a substantial milestone in destigmatizing the topic within mainstream peer-reviewed scientific journals.
May 25 – The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU), a data-driven organization of scientists, engineers, academics, and research professionals dedicated to conducting and supporting open scientific research into unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), released the following announcement:
The SCU congratulates Harvard University’s Galileo Project, led by the Frank B. Baird Jr. Professor of Science, Dr. Abraham “Avi” Loeb, upon successfully publishing the group’s first series of papers in the Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation. This peer-reviewed scientific journal focuses on the design of instrumentation associated with cutting-edge astronomical research endeavors.
“SCU members have called for serious scientific inquiry into UAP for decades, and we are thrilled to see papers the Galileo Project submitted for publication made it through the peer-review process and are now published,” Dr. Paul Kingsbury, SCU Board Member. “The publication of these papers significantly helps to destigmatize research into the topic, which we hope to see dramatically increase over the coming years.”
Five of the group’s initial batch of papers are specifically aimed at the question of UAP and outline the approaches, instrumentation, and overall technology that the project utilizes in its ongoing investigation of the phenomenon.
This includes the groundbreaking paper by Watters et al. entitled, The Scientific Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Using Multimodal Ground-Based Observatories, undoubtedly one of the most comprehensive and essential definitions of UAP science yet published in a mainstream journal.
SCU notes the Galileo Project’s papers published to date are open-access, guaranteeing this critical work in UAP science is available to as many researchers, policymakers, and the general public as possible. SCU thanks its members who are also part of the Galileo Project and contributed to this work.
Galileo Project UAP detection methodology and instrumentation papers:
The Scientific Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Using Multimodal Ground-Based Observatories
Watters et al., 2023
Multi-Band Acoustic Monitoring of Aerial Signatures
Mead et al., 2023
SkyWatch: A Passive Multistatic Radar Network for the Measurement of Object Position and Velocity
Randall et al., 2023
A Hardware and Software Platform for Aerial Object Localization
Szenher et al., 2023
Detection of Moving Objects in Earth Observation Satellite Images
Keto and Watters
The Galileo Project for the Systematic Scientific Search for Evidence of Extraterrestrial Technological Artifacts aims to bring the search for extraterrestrial technological signatures of Extraterrestrial Technological Civilizations (ETCs) from accidental or anecdotal observations and legends to the mainstream of transparent, validated and systematic scientific research.
SCU promotes and encourages the rigorous scientific examination of UAP, commonly known as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). SCU comprises scientists, engineers, members of the high-tech and defense industries, former military, and other professionals, utilizing scientific principles, methodologies, and practices to advance the study of UAP observed and reported around the globe.
The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Contributions to SCU are tax-deductible.