SCU Review Volume 3.2Scientific Coalition of UAP StudiesMay 2, 2022Updated: Oct 26, 2022Topics: The SCU conference, MADAR, the WOW Signal, the United States Air Force being AWOL on the UAP issue, and other UAP research and SCU updates.SCU Review 3.2 rev2.pdfDownload PDF • 1.17MBSpanish version:SCU Review 3.2 rev2 Spanish-1.pdfDownload PDF • 1.30MB
Topics: The SCU conference, MADAR, the WOW Signal, the United States Air Force being AWOL on the UAP issue, and other UAP research and SCU updates.SCU Review 3.2 rev2.pdfDownload PDF • 1.17MBSpanish version:SCU Review 3.2 rev2 Spanish-1.pdfDownload PDF • 1.30MB