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SCU's Response to the ODNI UAP Report


The Scientific Coalition for UAP highlights the significance of the release of the recent report on UAP, but the lack of data could hamper scientific investigation.

February 1, 2023 - The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU), whose 230 members include university professors, members of the high tech and defense industries, scientists, intelligence specialists, and current and former members of space research organizations, wishes to thank the U.S. Congress for the passage of legislation in the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This Act puts the U.S. at the forefront among nations in the collection of data on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) in an open and transparent manner. The SCU also wishes to thank the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) and the supporting Intelligence Community for their work on the recently published ODNI report on UAP. All these government entities should be commended for reducing the stigma in the study of a subject that has long been neglected.

It is rewarding to see that AARO has come to the same conclusion that our UAP research community has: that a percentage of "...UAP appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities and require further analysis." SCU was created, in part, to conduct in-depth analysis of such reports, and our detailed review of the public data on the Nimitz UAP case revealed anomalously high speeds and accelerations. Such corroboration by AARO of an existing scientific result is very useful to the UAP research community. However, these public Congressional reports will need more information regarding UAP characteristics in order to entice the broader scientific community to engage in the UAP subject. It would be immensely helpful to begin by releasing some of the basic data contained in AARO UAP reports, information such as date, location, shape, physical characteristics, and kinematics; and include the AARO disposition, such as balloon, drone, bird, unknown, etc.

We note that some of the key areas stipulated by the U.S. Congress in the 2022 NDAA to be included in the UAP report did not make it into the public version presented to Congress. These are also areas of active public research, and we hope that future reports will address these items as openly as possible.

  • The number of reported incidents over restricted airspace, and an analysis of such incidents.

  • An assessment of any UAP activity that can be attributed to one or more adversarial foreign governments.

  • Identification of any incidents or patterns.

  • An update on any efforts underway on the ability to capture or exploit discovered UAP.

  • The number of reported incidents, and descriptions thereof, associated with military nuclear assets, including strategic nuclear weapons and nuclear-powered ships and submarines.

  • The number of reported incidents, and descriptions thereof, associated with nuclear material with weapons storage or civilian nuclear facilities.

The requirements in the 2023 NDAA are even more extensive than the 2022 NDAA. The SCU is aware of the amount of work required to properly analyze and study UAP, and we plan to conduct analyses of any reports that are publicly available to us.

The SCU looks forward to the information that the ODNI and AARO will be sharing with the public in the future, and is grateful that the U.S. government agrees that UAP are a critical area of scientific study.


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